In rural Africa, women and young girls do not have access to proper resources to manage their menstrual cycle. Their choices of menstrual hygiene material are limited to leaves, dirty rags, or many times nothing at all. It is very common for their clothes to be stained with blood, for a stench to linger, and for them to wear the badge of shame and embarrassment.
Generosity Global is providing adequate resources and access to feminine hygiene products. We are using the power of generosity to uplift women and to restore their hope, dignity, and self-worth, one woman at a time.
Learning the sewing process of reusable menstrual pads.
Through our women’s initiative, Generosity Women, we are providing training and education for women and young girls. Through our women’s health and hygiene program, young girls and women are learning how to make reusable pads, learning about their reproductive health, and are being empowered to teach others in their community.

Young girls learning how to make a reusable pad.
Access to clean water allows for deeper needs to be met within a community. Water is the catalyst to implement our women’s health and hygiene program. With clean water, women and young girls can manage their menstrual cycle properly. And this gives them hope and confidence that they are seen and heard.
Soon, Generosity Global will build a women’s center. This center will provide employment for the women because they will manage it! This will be their safe haven, a place next to the well where women can have personal care and invest in themselves. In the center, classes on menstruation, health, and hygiene will continue, and women will spend their day learning, teaching, cooking, and connecting with other women.

A group of women gathering to teach and learn from each other, passing down knowledge about health and hygiene to the next generations.
Generosity Global celebrates World Menstrual Hygiene Day today and every day! We stand with the girl child and woman who feels unseen and unheard! We uplift her; we empower her! We restore her hope, her dignity, and self-worth, one woman at a time.