Our mission is to change the narrative by giving local access to clean and safe drinking water to thousands of people and their families in rural African villages. Every few seconds, a child becomes ill from a water-borne disease. Diarrhea Cholera, Hepatitis A, Polio, and Dysentery are only a few diseases contracted through dirty water ingestion. Additionally, water is a scarce resource in remote areas of Africa, and women must walk for hours to reach the nearest water source. They have no choice: they either drink the dirty, disease-ridden water they come across or go thirsty for days. Both situations are equally terrible because they put the lives of families at risk. Clean water has various benefits, and the lack thereof impacts different aspects of people’s lives. Lack of sanitation jeopardizes people’s health and hygiene, affects the development of children, and impacts people’s mental state. Lack of access to clean water prevents women from spending time with and raising their children, taking care of their families, household chores, or even themselves. Having to walk more than six miles roundtrip to fetch contaminated water is not only a time-consuming and strenuous task but also a dangerous journey for women and young girls, as they face the dangers of the wild.
With access to clean water, we help improve community health and sanitation and reclaim lost time for mothers who now will be able to tend to their children, do household chores, or focus on self-care. We also enable children to return to their school and receive proper education instead of spending hours walking with their mothers to fetch water. Through our program “Clean Water,” Generosity Global ensures an improved standard of living for these villages and helps those communities to thrive and sustain themselves for current and future generations to come. The change starts with clean water.

Generosity Global provides Clean Drinking Water to people in remote villages in sub-Saharan Africa.
Help us to ensure a better future for children and their families in rural Africa.