We are using the power of generosity to improve the quality of life for people around the world.

We give clean water | We uplift women | We provide showers | We give food

Generosity Global Inc. is committed to improving the quality of life for people in need. Our focus started in 2010 with impacting the lives of the homeless in Baltimore, Maryland, by delivering nutritious meals and necessary living supplies to people experiencing homelessness through our monthly outreach program, Selfless Saturday. Since then, we have fed and loved on over 30,000 homeless men, women, and children during 117 consecutive months of serving. Though Generosity Global realized that there is another immediate basic need, many unhoused individuals lack access to; personal hygiene. Without access to hygiene, people lose their sense of self and dignity. Without dignity, people eventually lose hope. Lack of hygiene is a significant barrier to homeless persons as they seek jobs and housing opportunities. Many go weeks and even months without bathing, so Generosity Global launched its innovative mobile shower trailer in the Spring of 2019 to restore dignity and hope to people in homeless communities by providing shower access to help meet basic hygiene needs.

In 2014, we expanded our mission to focus on bringing clean and safe drinking water to villages in need in Sub–Saharan Africa. Water is the essence of life. Without it, nothing exists; without water, there is no life. Close to 660 million people on earth still don’t have access to clean water; a child in Africa dies every 20 seconds due to water-borne illnesses. In some countries in Africa, women and young girls have to walk over 5 miles to get to a water source. The water they may find is contaminated and full of disease-causing bacteria. At Generosity Global, we are on a mission to change this story by giving as many people in Sub-Saharan Africa access to clean drinking water. Because access to clean water is the key to people and communities thriving, provides a better education, more time is regained, good health is maintained, and fewer deaths are experienced. We invite you to join us as together we provide simple solutions that can change lives and impact our world. Since December of 2014, Generosity Global successfully completed 19 water project that brought clean water to over 36,000 people in rural Africa.

While bringing clean water to communities in Africa, Generosity Global learned that women and girls are often shamed and ostracized when on their menstrual cycle. They don’t have access to clean water, which leads to many challenges, especially during women’s menstrual cycle. Many women use figs leaves or sit still on a cardboard box to absorb the blood flow until her period has ended. Therefore, Generosity Global recently launched a new program, called Generosity Women, which was created with a mission to teach women and young girls about their menstrual cycle while uplifting and empowering them, and restoring their dignity and worth.

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